5 Fun Slime Games for Kids

Slime is becoming increasingly popular because of its versatility! It can be green, blue, or violet; it can be anything you like. You can make it bouncy, fluffy, gooey, or even jelly-like. You can also add any number of objects to it to make your unique slime creation. The best part is the sheer number of things you can make from it. No wonder slime for kids is all the rage, right? They can use it for endless games and not get bored once. Let’s talk about five slime games your kids will enjoy playing.

●     Play the Alphabet Game with Slime!

Your kids will thank you for this one. A chance to laugh and learn? Teaching has never been better. Help them form the alphabet from slime. If you wish, you can press block plastic letters into the slime to make imprints. Don’t forget to allow them to sprinkle their creations with any accessory, be it confetti, charms, or glitter.

●     Write Your Name in Slime

The traditional crayon and paper way is not so bad, but it’s not as fun and wouldn’t leave a lasting impression as slime would. Your kids can form the letters of their name with slime and design it as they want; you’d be surprised at how creative they can get with this slime game. You can learn a lot about your child’s preferences from this slime game while they have fun.

●     Treasure Hunting in Slime

Unless you’re using transparent slime, this will be the most amazing time spent with your kids. You can make the slime together to get them even more involved and look how creative they can get. Then, hide small objects in the slime and get your kids to find them. Things may get a bit messy when they get desperate, so be on the lookout. It’s always fun, though, so it’s worth it!

●     Make Some Slimy People

You don’t have to restrict yourself and your kids just to inanimate objects. You can make people from slime and create your own fantasy world and stories around them. Nothing sharpens a child’s creativity like unrestricted world-building. Let them experiment with this game, and watch them blow your mind at every turn. You may both be rolling on the ground at the end when you make some awkward shapes. But isn’t that the point?!

●     Blow Slime Bubbles and Fight Crimes

Everyone knows that line except Henry Danger was blowing gum bubbles. It doesn’t matter. All you need for this is a straw and some well-formed slime. Insert a straw into a ball of slime on a flat surface and blow! Watch a huge bubble form on the other end! Rest assured, your child will find this one funny.

This is a list of five games you can play with slime for kids. They are not restricted to these. Go ahead and do whatever you want with them, but if you need some inspiration, this list has got you!